Wednesday 28 February 2007

Inspiration #2:

Video Online
A busy month in the world of online video. Dynamic Logic build upon their November released online video advertising norms, and drill down further into how using video in online advertising can increase brand metrics. Analysing the impact of the most memorable and the least memorable video ads, a good video can increase purchase intent by 6.9% versus a reduction of 1.5% for a bad video.

Regular youtubers in the US switch off the old tube. 42% of online US adults say they have watched a video at YouTube and 66% of regular visitors to YouTube claimed their YouTube activity is eating into the time normally spent doing other activities, with a claiming they are watching less TV.

As gangs in Mexico take self-expression to an extreme level, Chelsea football club sign a deal with YouTube to deliver the video snacking audience premium content. Premier League restrictions prevent Chelsea from using the service to show actual live footage but do allow for daily update videos and archived footage.

16-34’s are changing their consumption habits at an alarming rate as media companies in this arena are struggling to deliver advertising solutions fast enough for brands to talk to their audiences.

The drive for video is raising the bar for online creativity with high quality video creative delivering high cut through and increases against brand metrics.

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