Wednesday 28 February 2007

Creativity #2:

Audi’s Music Mash-up
Audi’s ‘TT Remastered’ campaign launches, featuring a host of interactive functionality to promote the new TT Coupe.

The project, produced by BBH, takes Audi back to it’s roots, “ever since the original was designed under the influence of Jimi Hendrix, music has been at the heart of the Audi TT”

The site features 14 tracks (released over 10 weeks) by emerging artists, covering a track from their favourite idol, the opportunity to sign up for an exclusive remastered music event, an application to remix the tracks yourself and a downloadable game ‘Journeys Through the Sound’ where users can cruise around in the car and build the landscape to the rhythm of the music.

The game is the only opportunity for visitors to explore the car within this framework, they are pushed out to the standard Audi site to explore the car further, which seems like a lost opportunity to me and a waste of a considerable investment into producing a campaign platform.

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