Wednesday 28 February 2007

Innovation #2:

Web 2.0 turns to the business world
Applications enabling social participation have been changing the way people interact with each other via the web over the past 12 months. Now platforms are springing up to enable business communities to facilitate networking and interaction beyond simply contact management.

In a wired world where geography represents only a small barrier, huddle provides an environment where colleagues and customers and even customers can come together securely to work in real time virtually, but visibly.

Their system can be used as an intra or extranet to store and share documents or as a virtual meeting room where users can collaborate on documents, brainstorms or agree action points.
Mindmeister offers a similar centralised ‘whiteboard’ system to facilitate collaborative working remotely.

With consumers increasingly expecting to be involved in shaping product development and brand communications, could secure environments be set up to invite brand advocates to share their opinions and feedback without the risk of it being seen by one and all?

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