Tuesday 3 July 2007

Innovation #1: Bloggers put on the payroll in Sweden

The Swedish version of the metro have recently launched a ‘get-paid-per-view’ blogging system.

Bloggers are invited to set up a blog at Metrobloggen.se, as soon as an individuals blog achieves 5,000 page views per month Metro sends the author a mastercard credited with 150 swedish kronor (USD 20/EUR 16).

Is the offer of cash for characters motivating enough to move your blog from one platform to another? Could a blogger make more money by adding Google adwords to their page? Is the lure of official publication more luring than the freedom of sole cyber space? Does the metrobloggen platform add any value for consumers that can’t be derived from traditional blogger publishing tools?

Could similar armies be recruited to tell stories about brands and be rewarded for their page views?

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