Tuesday 3 July 2007

Creativity #2: Spotlight on NMA’s Grand Prix Winner

In response to the release of figures from ChildLine, the NSPCC wanted to raise awareness of teen sexual abuse, provide information about how to get help for themselves or others and create a sense of community to facilitate discussion.

With one in two children using social networks to share problems and get advice online from people their own age, the NSPCC set up profiles with Bebo, ran a series of ‘speak-out-Sunday’ events in Habbo and editorial content within mykindaplace. The teens were driven to a microsite, a safe online community for children to talk about abuse and learn how to stop it.

The campaign smashed it’s CTR and response targets, with 1 million kids spending an average 5 minutes dwell time per visit, and is due to be expanded in 2007 to encompass further social networks.

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