Tuesday 5 February 2008

Social shopping site Crowdstorm is set to go live next month

Crowdstorm mixes social networking with opinion power in an effort to influence people's purchases. It will contain user product reviews as well aggregated material from sites such as Stuff, Tech and TrustedReviews.The site, currently in private beta, began testing late last year.
Kelkoo founder and CEO of Broadband Genie Philip Wilkinson, is driving the launch. "The site currently hasa few hundred users just testing everything, but now we're almost ready to start a gradual roll-out and get more people involved. And letting it grow by word of mouth will let us know if, as a product, it fulfils a need," he said.
He added that he saw the site becoming a one-stop shop for consumers to get impartial advice and reviews of products.
Wilkinson also revealed plans to roll out a US version of the site later in the year

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