Friday 1 June 2007

Innovation #1:

Care in the Community…:
May saw the UK exam board announce their intention to use RFID (radio-frequency identification) technology to counteract cheating to track bundles of exam papers. The tags will keep a record of how many papers are in each bundle and enable them to track them down if they go missing.

There’s been discussion for several months about using RFID tags to track the elderly, hold important medical information and monitor that they’re taking their medication. Raising questions about it’s ethicalness.

More recently, a care home in Florida has been criticised for it’s intention to implant RFID tags onto Alzheimer’s sufferers, calling into question the ethics of implanting individuals who aren’t able to consent to the procedure or implications.

Visit wikipedia to find out more about RFID technology, it’s current uses (oyster cards, mini customer loyalty campaigns in the US and passports) and potential uses.

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