Friday 1 June 2007

Creativity #1:

Using an obvious consumer insight, that people listen to their ipods whilst running, Nike have developed a global consumer proposition enabling runners to track the distance, pace, calories and time of their runs, users are able to revisit the information for each run and set it against goals and challenges. With a pair of nike+ ready trainers, a nike+ ipod sport kit and an ipod nano, the user can base their run against a number of criteria, set the playlist to run to and start running.

The community features allow groups to be created where runners challenge each other and track progress; a global aggregation of the total distance run by all users and recommended routes by postcode, city or state.

The community of runners have voted the ultimate work list playlist; there are coaching audio files for various types of training activities and now they’re commissioning bespoke tracks from top artists like LCD soundsystem to fully connect up all the points.
If only they could also run it for me…

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