Friday 30 March 2007

Inspiration #2:

The Metaverse or Second Life?:
Penguin follow their episodic release of G.W. Dahlquist’s The Glass Book of the Dream Eaters with a virtual release in Second Life.

Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, originally published in 1992, describes a world split between the real and the virtual, with a ‘metaverse’ bearing remarkable resemblance to Second Life. Whilst it’s a struggle to understand the benefit of reading in the virtual world vs the real world, the association is clear.

More clear in fact than a virtual perfume launch…

CK will be the first global fragrance brand to launch in Second Life, apparently “the ck IN2U speaks the language of a generation connected by technology - the aptly named technosexuals”, a term which that Calvin Klein have neatly trademarked.

Until smellivision becomes a reality residents and visitors to Second Life ( will be able to visit the ck IN2U site and pick up virtual bottles of the new ck fragrances, connecting with other in-world virtual partners by spraying them with fizzing fragrance bubbles to initiate dialogue. Get your free ‘real world’ sample here

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