Friday 30 March 2007

Inspiration #1:

TREND - The Intention Economy:
As web 2.0 (The Social Web) tools (organisation - filtering, tagging, sharing) become ubiquitous to any web experience, consumers take the first steps towards web 3.0 (The Semantic Web).

Whilst web 2.0 tools enable greater management of information preceding purchasing, web 3.0 enables consumers to take complete control of the purchasing process. It’s all about me is taken one stage further, as consumers put their requirements out and wait for a bite from suppliers.

There are already a number of web products servicing the ‘Intention Economy’: - Priceline (not a new concept), enables users to flag their travel requirements with parties willing to sell their products and services against those parameters accepting the consumers ‘bid’; Igglo.fl – a finnish site where every building in Helsinki is mapped virtually and users can express interest in property despite it not officially being on sale.

What next for The Intention Economy? Crowd Clout is already in full swing, consumers making their intentions known and collaborating with others to achieve a common aim: -Eventful – fans grouping together to demand bands come and perform in their city; in India, users tag an offer they’re interested in and when the number of interested parties reach the pre-determined target, they are notified of the opportunity to bulk buy.

Combine the above with Web 3.0 AI technologies & filtering capabilities and SEO becomes the most important marketing activity for a product, with the brand playing second fiddle to convenience, or playing an increasingly important role in decision making.

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