Friday 30 March 2007

Innovation #1:

Web 2.0 – the rebirth of the local community?
30.9 million people in the UK access the Internet regularly. 80% of homes access the Internet via broadband, and as a result spend more of their media time online. Consumers can bank online, order their groceries to be delivered to their homes, get packages collected for posting overseas and work and live in a virtual world.

Some might say the web has played quite a big part in changing the face of the local community to one with very little feeling of community.

Local government are using web 2.0 tools to enable members of the community to participate in shaping their environments. First tested in Lewisham the government has now released a UK wide version in Beta, enabling residents to report problems about graffiti, unlit lampposts, abandoned beds, broken glass etc to the council.

Collaborative projects are becoming increasingly more common and popular giving users the real possibility of having an effect on their environment, be that literature, film or their home town.

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