Friday 30 March 2007


Welcome to the third edition of the Vizeum digital newsletter.
This month a focus on how the web is facilitating not only online communities but reinvigorating the local physical community. Out of home goes all minority report and video seems to be the norm in online ad and web experiences.

Inspiration #1:

TREND - The Intention Economy:
As web 2.0 (The Social Web) tools (organisation - filtering, tagging, sharing) become ubiquitous to any web experience, consumers take the first steps towards web 3.0 (The Semantic Web).

Whilst web 2.0 tools enable greater management of information preceding purchasing, web 3.0 enables consumers to take complete control of the purchasing process. It’s all about me is taken one stage further, as consumers put their requirements out and wait for a bite from suppliers.

There are already a number of web products servicing the ‘Intention Economy’: - Priceline (not a new concept), enables users to flag their travel requirements with parties willing to sell their products and services against those parameters accepting the consumers ‘bid’; Igglo.fl – a finnish site where every building in Helsinki is mapped virtually and users can express interest in property despite it not officially being on sale.

What next for The Intention Economy? Crowd Clout is already in full swing, consumers making their intentions known and collaborating with others to achieve a common aim: -Eventful – fans grouping together to demand bands come and perform in their city; in India, users tag an offer they’re interested in and when the number of interested parties reach the pre-determined target, they are notified of the opportunity to bulk buy.

Combine the above with Web 3.0 AI technologies & filtering capabilities and SEO becomes the most important marketing activity for a product, with the brand playing second fiddle to convenience, or playing an increasingly important role in decision making.

Inspiration #2:

The Metaverse or Second Life?:
Penguin follow their episodic release of G.W. Dahlquist’s The Glass Book of the Dream Eaters with a virtual release in Second Life.

Neal Stephenson's Snow Crash, originally published in 1992, describes a world split between the real and the virtual, with a ‘metaverse’ bearing remarkable resemblance to Second Life. Whilst it’s a struggle to understand the benefit of reading in the virtual world vs the real world, the association is clear.

More clear in fact than a virtual perfume launch…

CK will be the first global fragrance brand to launch in Second Life, apparently “the ck IN2U speaks the language of a generation connected by technology - the aptly named technosexuals”, a term which that Calvin Klein have neatly trademarked.

Until smellivision becomes a reality residents and visitors to Second Life ( will be able to visit the ck IN2U site and pick up virtual bottles of the new ck fragrances, connecting with other in-world virtual partners by spraying them with fizzing fragrance bubbles to initiate dialogue. Get your free ‘real world’ sample here

Innovation #1:

Web 2.0 – the rebirth of the local community?
30.9 million people in the UK access the Internet regularly. 80% of homes access the Internet via broadband, and as a result spend more of their media time online. Consumers can bank online, order their groceries to be delivered to their homes, get packages collected for posting overseas and work and live in a virtual world.

Some might say the web has played quite a big part in changing the face of the local community to one with very little feeling of community.

Local government are using web 2.0 tools to enable members of the community to participate in shaping their environments. First tested in Lewisham the government has now released a UK wide version in Beta, enabling residents to report problems about graffiti, unlit lampposts, abandoned beds, broken glass etc to the council.

Collaborative projects are becoming increasingly more common and popular giving users the real possibility of having an effect on their environment, be that literature, film or their home town.

Innovation #2:

Advertising targeted to Personal Expression
First digital outdoor ads could be delivered to audiences based on their gender, now they can be delivered according to how you choose to express yourself.

Brand reading screens have been developed which trigger ad delivery based on what they read on the person, for eg. delivering a Reebok ad to a person wearing a Nike t-shirt. Segment wearers of particular brands and deliver portfolio messages accordingly.

Creativity #1:

Experiencing the bounce
The technology used in Adidas’ Microride shoe range stores energy to create a bigger take-off on every step.

Aimed at the youth market, Glue created interactive ads showcasing the product in an cool and appealing way, whilst demonstrating the bounce the a3 technology delivers.

Creativity #2:

Nokia’s The Passenger
To promote their new multimedia GPS car kit and affirm their position with the ever-growing in-car communications market Nokia have created a multi-media online gaming experience.

Incorporating real film footage into the interactive experience, gamers use the Nokia Multimedia Car Kit CK-20W to navigate their way through to the Parisian destinations.

Designed by Hyper Happen it aims to connect with Nokia’s tech-savvy, affluent male target audience.The story contains all the essential elements or at least, the stereotypes of a film noir; a femme fatale, a driver, and a mysterious man are the key characters.

Daniel Goodall, digital marketing manager for enhancement products at Nokia says: ‘The Passenger mixes video and gameplay in a way that we don’t think has happened before. All the driving is real video, real streets and fully controlled by the user…I find it really a creative way of promoting a mobile GPS device since it puts you in the right context immediately and is fun at the same time’.

Just For Fun

Fake Your Space
If social networking is bringing horrible memories of solitary lunchtimes in the playground, don’t worry, with Fake Your Space your imaginary friends become fake and boost your online popularity