Friday 31 August 2007

UK Youth Spend A Work Week Online

UK Youth Spend A Work Week Online

Research released by MTV and Microsoft suggests that young folk in the UK are spending up to 34 hours online each week (16 - 24 years in age). Eight in ten log on each day and say “they can’t live without their computer, over and above their mobile phone.”
Are they sure about the last bit?
More stats on the average 16-24 year old in the UK:
> Has a total of 49 friends, of which 7 are close friends, 26 are acquaintances and 16 are online friends whom they have never met in person
> Has 75 phone numbers in their mobile but only 14% use it to call friends, and tend to text or listen to music on their handset instead
> Has 86 buddies on their instant messenger list
> Is a member of up to three social networks and connected to 86 people (with 56% visiting a social networking site every week)

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