Monday 30 April 2007

Inspiration #2:

TREND – ‘Early birding’:
In the age of plenty and social badging, businesses are creating a standout consumer experience, through controlling supply and rewarding loyal customers with exclusive pre-launch/release information.

Used as an acquisition tool, potential ‘club’ members are tipped off through general Internet buzz and spurred into joining the exclusive club.

Limited supply creates incredible Internet chatter and often takes it beyond to prime time news. The opening of the primark store in london created an increase in blog postings, receiving 50% of the searches made by clothing giant Topshop in the month of march as anticipation built. Blog postings are now peaking for Topshop with the anticipation of Kate Moss’ clothing range, with 1000 blog posts about this subject alone.

With the ever increasing adoption of web 2.0 capabilities to profile and manage user’s lives, giving people something to chatter about will play an important part within marketing strategies.

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