Monday 30 April 2007

Innovation #2:

Mobile music communities:
Whilst slingbox technology synchs your pc to your TV, enabling users to log-in and watch their TV whilst at work, holiday etc, Phling synchs users mobile phones to stored entertainment media on their PC.

Users not only have the ability to listen to their stored music on their mobile, but they can share access with up to 6 friends and also access other friends music.

The service shows what people within the phling community are listening to, enables users to post reviews and leave messages on friends bulletin boards.

Will people ditch their portable music players in favour of a mobile phone service? What happens if you’re out of mobile service? Is it environmentally responsible to leave the PC on 24/7 to enable access? Will radio stations perceive it as a threat and develop more user-controlled services for when on –the-go.

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